Sometimes even the best-crafted products – Google Glass, Amazon Fire Phone and Segway, to cite just three – go bust. Know why?
Because positioning is out. Engagement is in.
Sometimes even the best-crafted products – Google Glass, Amazon Fire Phone and Segway, to cite just three – go bust. Know why?
Because positioning is out. Engagement is in.
Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising uses the power of the Internet to promote your website, and in the process the products or services that your business offers. There are a plethora of reasons why your particular PPC campaign is not as effective as you hoped when you developed it.
PPC campaigns are the most expensive and also highly rewarding ways of generating leads online. And the landing pages used in such campaigns hold the key to the success. But most marketers often struggle with conversion rates on their landing pages due to a variety of reasons ranging from copy to data capture mechanism.